2 Mrs Riley

Click on the link below for my Friday message. I hope you have a great day. 

Scroll down to find out all about today's learning. 


Hello Year 2. I hope you are all well. Thank you so much for all your hard work this week. I am so proud of you. There are lots of  activities to complete today. In Maths we will celebrate Maths Week England with some fun tasks. Then in English we will find out more about the real Harry and Winnie and ask lots of questions. RWI groups will complete reading and spelling tasks and think about a different character from the Superworm story. There are also some other phonics tasks for everyone to complete - you will practise 'every' which is one of our common Exception Words for Year 2 and revise some of our phonic sounds.

This afternoon, we will think about recycling different materials in Science and then share some ideas in a short Music lesson. At the end of the day, there is another story to share.  This one is about a cat called Mog, as I am still waiting for our new Wrigglesbotttom Primary story book to arrive! 

I can't wait to see what you do today, so please send lots of photos to me at year2@st-jo-st.dudle.sch.uk

Have a great day Year 2 and enjoy the weekend.


Hi Year 2. Thank you for all your hard work. I have loved looking at all the photos and videos you've sent me. Today is another busy day for Year 2. We will learn about expanded noun phrases and write about Harry Colebourn in English; we will revise adding by making 10 in Maths and learn all about Diwali too. As we would normally have a P.E. lesson today, there are a couple of links to some P.E activities too. Scroll down to find the activities then just click on the links and/ or files. 

I hope you all have a fabulous day and can't wait to see your work. 

Have a great day. 


Hello Year 2. I hope you are all well. Thank you for wotking so hard with your home learning. I am so impressed with all you are doing. 

Here is a lnk to my Wednesday message: https://youtu.be/_KSOEHZ_x9s

Today is Remembrance Day and it would be lovely if we could all join togerther at 10.50 to watch the special Remembrance Service at Hagley Catholic High School. The service will last approximately 15-20 minutes and will include the last post, the two minutes' silence, a reading and prayers. The stream can be accessed on the day using this link: https://youtu.be/ypUeKEFBiZ8

Link to The Wednesday Word: https://www.paperturn-view.com/uk/wednesday-word/talent?pid=MTA101634&v=9.9

I would love you to write a prayer based on the Gospel in the wednesday Word. Perhaps you could use it in a prayer service at home.

In our learning today, we will practise adding and subtracting multiples of 10 using number lines and the column method; learn how to create similes in English and learn more about Remembrance Day in our History this afternoon. 

At the end of the day, there is another story from the childre in Year 2 at Wrigglesbottom Primary. Go to the StoryTime section and click on the link. 


Hello Year 2. Thank you for all your amazing work yesterday. You are all superstars.

Click on this link to listen to my Tuesday morning message: https://youtu.be/iVEXSRzOYLo

Scroll down for today's work. it's all there under these headings: Maths, English, Phonics and Art.

There's another story about Year 2 at Wrigglesbottom Primary School to listen to at the end of the day.

I can't wait to see all that you do, so don't forget to send lots of photos to me via our class e-mail.


Hi Year 2. I hope you all had a great weekend. Please click on the link below for a Monday morning message from me. 

Mrs Riley's Monday message: https://youtu.be/yhsZA0A6wfU

Gospel Assembly

Click on this link for our Gospel Assembly: https://youtu.be/WvwQDFbgTYI

P.E. Links

Cosmic Yoga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhYtcadR9nw

Joe Wicks Workout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhHY8mOQ5eo

At the end of the day, scroll down to the 'Story Time' section and click on the link for a new class story that I think you'll enjoy- it's all about a Year 2 class and their teacher, Miss Riley! 


This week in our Maths lessons we will be revising our number bonds and adding and subtracting tens. I know you will be fabulous at this and I can't wait to see your work. 


Our Maths work today is a little bit different. Because this week we are celebrating Maths Week England, I have planned some fun activities. Have a look at the PDF file and video below. First  you need to complete the 'Fluency' activity; then choose 2 activites from a range of tasks to celebrate this special week. Once you've done that, there is a 'Maths About Me' task to complete. 

I am really looking forward to seeing what you do, so please send lots of photos to me at year2@st-jo-st.dudley.sch.uk

Have fun!


Today in Maths you will revise how to add by making ten. All the activities are in the PDF file below and you also need to watch the video at:  https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/week-6-number-addition-subtraction/

Click on the lesson called: Add by Making 10. 

For those who want to take the Maths further - and this is only if you want to - there are some extra activities. You will find a video if you follow the link below and the PDF file. 

I can't wait to see your work.


Today you will learn ho to add and subtract multiples of 10 using a numberline and the column method. All the activities are in the PDF below  and theres a video to watch by following this link: https://youtu.be/kndGv-ea_UQ


Today in our Maths lesson you will be adding and subtracting multiples of 10. This builds on our work from yesterday. We have touched on this before, so you should be able to complete all the tasks set. There is a video to watch at https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/week-6-number-addition-subtraction/

Choose the lesson called 'Adding and Subtracting 10s'

I've added a few additional challenge questions for those of you that want to extend your learning. These are optional, which means you can choose to do them as they are in addition to our main learning.


Today you will find 10 more or 10 less of a given number. Look at the PowerPoint, watch the video at https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/week-6-number-addition-subtraction/

Choose the lesson called '10 More 10 Less'

Then complete the activities. 


This week our work will be based on the story 'Finding Winnie' by Lindsay Mattick.


Today we will find out about the real Winnie and Harry by looking at some old photos. We will think about the link between the two parts of the story of 'Finding Winnie' and find details in some pictures. After that we will revise how to write questions before we decide what questions we would ask Harry Colebourne if we met him. Everything you need is in the video and PDF file below. I am SO looking forwatd to seeing your work. 

RWI Phonics Groups

Mrs Hounsell's Orange Group

Practice reading aw by clicking the link below. 

Then practise spelling aw - again click on the link below. 

Once you have done that, there are a couple of activities linked to the story of Superworm in the PDF file below.

Other RWI Phonics Groups

Practice reading oo (poo at the zoo) by clicking the link below. 

Then practise spelling oo (poo at the zoo0 - again click on the link below. 

Once you have done that, there are a couple of activities linked to the story of Superworm in the PDF file below. 



Today you will learn all about expanded noun phrases and then write a description of Harry Colebourn. Everything you need is in the PDF file below and there's also a video to watch too - click on the link below.

RWI Phonics Groups

Mrs Hounsell's Group

Click on the links below to practise u-e. There are 2 videos, reading and spelling. 

Then complete the Superworm task

Other Groups

Click on the links below to practise ow.There are 2 videos, reading and spelling. 

Then complete the Superworm task


In today's lesson we will be thinking about our favourite part of the story of 'Finding Winnie' and then learning how to create similes. Listen to it again at: https://youtu.be/P2GkHJ0hiMM.

Complete the activities on pages 3 and 4 first. Then:

Listen to a Simile Story at: https://youtu.be/rSDLbm8-A4c

Then listen to Mrs Riley explaining how to create a simile at:https://youtu.be/6-k71vZe3zc

Then complete the activity in the PDF on page 8.

RWI Phonics Groups

Mrs Hounsell's Group

Complete these activities: 

Practise o-e: https://youtu.be/KIFdy-bfB2M

Spelling: https://youtu.be/wDRhUyZJZ6M

Then Listen to the 'Simile Story' and instructions how to create a similie following the links above before completing the activity on page 8 of the PDF below.

Other Phonics Groups

Complete the activities at:

Practise igh: https://youtu.be/NNBai3UrNNg

Spelling: https://youtu.be/zZUSozwx5ws

Then Listen to the 'Simile Story' and instructions how to create a similie following the links above before completing the activity on page 8 of the PDF below.



Today you will continue to use the story of 'Finding Winne'. You will need to listen to the story again at  https://youtu.be/P2GkHJ0hiMM.

You will retell the story to your grown up then answer some questions about it. Remember to use capital letters and full stops in your writing. After that, there are some learn screens to read to remind yourself all about nouns and adjectives - try to explain what they are to your grown up. Finally, you need to collect some adjectives to describe what Harry is like to look at and what he kind of person he is. Hang on to these words as you will need them later in the week. 

Tuesday RWI Phonics Groups

After watching the spelling and reading videos and completing the tasks, I'd like you to carry on with your work about Superworm. Begin by listening to the story again at https://youtu.be/eudJ8DtjiPQ

You will be interviewing Superworm so your work is all about writing questions. Everything you need is in the '10th November Superworm' file below.

Mrs Hounsell's Group 

Spelling: https://youtu.be/dCyejpH7J0k

Reading i-e : https://youtu.be/jYTYbnLzXo0

Other Phonics Groups

ee sound: https://youtu.be/FnpmaRurNT4

Spelling ee: https://youtu.be/0nLHBpw1rlI




All the activities for today are on the PDF document and you will also need to listen to the story by using the link below. You will be making predictions, using prepositions and explaining what you know about our story after you have listened to it. Please don't listen to the story until you have completed the activities on pages 2 -7. 

Click on this link to listen to the story https://youtu.be/P2GkHJ0hiMM

RWI Phonics Groups

Please complete the activities listed below. You can also have a look at the lesson based on 'Finding Winnie' and complete the tasks on pages 2-7. If you want to try any of the other tasks, that would be fabulous too.

Alternatively, listen to Mrs Chadry reading 'Superworm' here https://youtu.be/eudJ8DtjiPQ and then complete the Monday Superworm task in the PDF file below. 

Mrs Hounsell's Group - you will practise the a-e sound.

Please follow this video link: https://youtu.be/qvHiL8SP2sQ

Then follow this link: https://youtu.be/CFLoiWS_WsA

Other Phonics Groups - you will practise 'ay'

Please click on this link: https://youtu.be/XUomoCpwI8Y

Then on this link:https://youtu.be/W9FTRt6uwVA


Today in R.E. you will learn all about the Hindu festival of Diwali. Read through the PDF file with your grown up and then complete the activities - they are art activities so I think you will like them. Don't forget to send lots of photos of your work to me.


Today in R.E. we will be learning all about a character from the Old Testament called Jonah. You need to click on the link below to listen to the story.

The story: https://youtu.be/_YxTT70FsW8

All the activities are set out in the PDF file and there is also a video of me explaining the tasks. 

Mrs Riley explaining the tasks:https://youtu.be/7bze1xqydT4

I can't wait to see your work. 


Today's word is 'even' -we use this a lot in Year2, especially in Maths. We will also practise even more phonic sounds using'Special Friends. Fred Talk. Say the word'. You are SO good at this so I know you won't find this task too difficult. 

Remember to keep using your '3 Friends' pencil hold and practising your writing moves and animal positions. 



Today's word is 'eye'. You might find this word useful in your writing today.  We will also practise even more of our phonic sounds. Keep using 'Special Friends. Fred Talk. Say the word'. Everything you need is in the PDF file below. 

For handwriting I would like you to continue to practise using your '3 Friends' pencil hold and our animal positions. Perhaps you could practise the Penguin and Gorilla positions today. I'd also like you to practise some of our writing moves-'Down from Brave Monkey's branch. Bump, Flick". Show your grown up how to do this so they can join in. 




For today we will continue to practise one of our Year 2 Common Exception Words. Today's word is 'past'. Did you include that in your spelling pattern yesterday? We will also practise even more of our phonic sounds. Keep using 'Special Friends. Fred Talk. Say the word'. Everything you need is in the PDF file below. 

For handwriting I would like you to continue to practise using your '3 Friends' pencil hold and our animal positions. Perhaps you could practise the Lizard position today. 



For today we will continue to practise one of our Year 2 Common Exception Words. Today's word is 'last'. Can you see a spelling pattern in our words for this week? For an extra challenge make a list of any other words you can think of that follow this pattern. We will also practise some more of our phonic sounds. Remember to use 'Special Friends. Fred Talk. Say the word.' Everything you need is in the PDF file below. 

For handwriting I would like you to continue to practise using your '3 Friends' pencil hold and our animal positions. You could show your grown up how to be a meerkat or a stone lion.   



Today we will practise one of our Year 2 Common Exception Words - fast. We will also practise some of our phonic sounds. Everything you need is in the PDF file below. If you can't remember how to use sound buttons, look at page 5. 

For handwriting I would like you to practise using your '3 Friends' pencil grip.  



Today in our Science lesson, we will be thinking about which materials we can recycle and finding out what happens at a recyclying centre. You will draw pictures and write captions to explain how the objects we recycle are sorted and there is a desig a poster challenge to complete too. 

Everything you need is in the PDF file including a link to a video explaining the recyclying process. 

Click on the link below to hear Mrs Riley reading a story about why we need to recycle more. 

I cant wait to see your work. 


Today we are going to be talking about music and songs.

We will think about the music we like and why we like it.

You will watch the BBC Bitesize Music Club video by following a link in the PDF file below and then talk - or write - about a song or piece of music you like. 

Have fun! 

This week in our Art lesson we will learn all about a famous artist called Georgia O'Keeffe. First of all, watch this video at https://youtu.be/ie4AMPeUubM

Then read through the PDF file below before drawing some poppies. 

You will need to follow this link to watch a video showing you how to draw poppies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkSBztJ_bMQ

There is an art challenge included in the PDF file. You can do this instead of the drawing activity or you can do both- it's up to you!

Remember to check with your grown up before you use the Internet and before you start any art task.

I can't wait to see what you do, so please send photos of your work to me via our school e-mail address. 

Have fun Year 2! 

Today in History we wil be thinking about why we wear poppies ans finding out all about a lady called Moina Michael. You will think about who inspires you and make a poppy wreath. Everything you need is in the PDF file below. 

I can't wait to see your work, so don't forget to send lots of photos to me. 



For Today's P.E. you can try some yoga or do someting a little more lively. Click on the links below. Have fun! 

Click on the link for our daily story time. Enjoy. 

Click on the link in the box below for Thursday's story. 

Monday: https://youtu.be/h5cnQorSARA

Tuesday: https://youtu.be/qTdmhEF8hzY

Wednesday: https://youtu.be/AppsRy_MLDU



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