Friday 9th December 2022

Gaudete Sunday - A Time of Joy

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Advent and Christmastide is a season of joy - joy is its motif, its clarion call. This joy isn't elusive or exclusive, it doesn't hide its face nor is it beyond our reach.  Advent is also a penitential season, and through the Sacrament of Confession we are reconciled to God.

In this Sunday’s Gospel, John the Baptist had heard about Jesus Christ’s miracles and all the other wonderful things that he was doing. But John was puzzled because he had been expecting a Messiah sent by God to judge the world. So, from his prison cell, he sent messengers to ask if Jesus really was the Messiah. Jesus did not come to judge the world. Instead, Jesus was seeking out people to offer them forgiveness and healing, both physical and spiritual. Forgiving and healing was Jesus’ task all those years ago and, if we put our trust in him, this is what he will do for us even today.

Junior PCSOs to start at St. Joseph's - January 2023

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Starting in January 2023, ten children from Year 5 will be selected to participate in the Junior PCSO programme with officers from Brierley Hill Police Station.  The children will learn about road safety, finger printing, online safety, seat belts and patrol including the use of the speeding pro-lazer.  The children will also be visible alongside the PCSOs to monitor the safety of people who use the council car park adjacent to the school. This is a wonderful opportunity for our children to have an impact on how all people can be kept safe at school.

Pedestrian entrance and car park electronic gates

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The school has been granted capital funding, which we receive as a large Multi Academy Company, to install electronic gates at the key entrance points to the school site.  You may have seen work conducted this week in preparation for the installation which we are hoping will be completed by the end of term in readiness for January 2023. This has been such an important priority for the school in terms of capital projects to aid with the security of all at St. Joseph's.

School Uniform Reminders

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As we draw to the end of the school term and become immersed into the season of winter, there are a few uniform reminders to make you aware of. 

Can you please ensure that your child comes to school with a winter coat even though they may have a fleece to wear over their polo shirt.  Children in Key Stage 2 should also bring in a pair of trainers to change into at break and lunchtimes when outside on the playground and at times on the playing field.

In terms of PE, please ensure that your child is able to take out any earrings before taking part in PE or school sport.  Ideally, we suggest that children do not wear earrings to school on their allocated PE days.  Children should also only wear their school jumper and either plain grey or navy tracksuit bottoms to school rather than other branded sports items.

Thank you for your continued support.

Reverse Advent Calendar - Request for any final donations

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During Advent, we are asking the children to bring in donations of the following items to help our brothers and sisters in need. Donations received will be shared between Project Gambia and the Stourbridge Food Bank. Thank you.

Reception Class - Chocolates

Year 1 - Shower gel

Year 2 - Shampoo

Year 3 - Tinned food

Year 4 - Hats and scarves

Year 5 - Gloves

Year 6 - Soap

Parish Information - Advent and Christmas

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Fr. Philip would like to invite children from the parish to be involved in our Christmas Masses which will be as follows; Christmas Eve(Saturday) 5pm & 8pm & Christmas Day (Sunday) 8.30am & 11am.

A letter has been emailed out today (Friday) with more information.

If your child/ren would like to be involved please complete and return to the presbytery by the end of term, and Fr. Philip will be in touch the week before Christmas.

Dates for your diary - Advent 2022

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Monday 12th December - Reception Christmas Songs (2.30pm) - Reception parents welcome to attend

Wednesday 14th December - Key Stage 1 Nativity Performance - 1.45pm and 6.30pm

Thursday 15th December - Years 5 and 6 Educational Visit to The Rep (Nativity production)

Friday 16th December - End of term Mass (9.10am) - parents and parishioners welcome to attend

Friday 16th December - Christmas Carols (2.30pm) - parents welcome to attend

Saturday 24th December - Christmas Eve Mass at OLAS  5pm and 8pm

Sunday 25th December - Christmas Day Mass at OLAS 8.30am and 11am

Tuesday 3rd January - Staff In-service Training Day (INSET) - school closed to children

Wednesday 4th January - Children start the new term





Gifts from God

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Congratulations to the following children who have been chosen by their class teacher this week for the final Gifts from God celebration of the term.  Well done also to St. Matthew  for gaining the most house points this week.  

Year Group Good Work Catholic Virtues
Reception Antonina Cordelia
Year 1 Louisa K Beatrice
Year 2 Poppy Violet
Year 3 Albert Trinity
Year 4 Luca Dan
Year 5 Georgia Holly
Year 6 Jarvis Noah

Living with Covid Guidance

On Tuesday 29th March, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Sajid Javid, set out the next steps for living with COVID-19 in England from Friday 1st April.

Free COVID-19 tests will continue to be available for specific groups, including eligible patients and NHS staff, once the universal testing offer ends on Friday 1st April.

Updated guidance will advise:

·         adults with the symptoms of a respiratory infection, and who have a high temperature or feel unwell, should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until they feel well enough to resume normal activities and they no longer have a high temperature

·         children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school, college or childcare when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend

·         adults with a positive COVID-19 test result should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days, which is when they are most infectious. For children and young people aged 18 and under, the advice will be 3 days.

For education and childcare settings from Friday 1st April:

·         regular asymptomatic testing is no longer recommended in any education or childcare setting, including in SEND, alternative provision and children's social care settings. Therefore, settings will no longer be able to order test kits

·         residential SEND settings may be advised by their local health protection team to re-introduce some time-limited asymptomatic testing. This would be an exceptional measure, for targeted groups of staff and pupils or students (secondary age or above) in the event of a possible COVID-19 outbreak. These settings are scheduled to receive an automatic delivery of contingency supply test kits during the week commencing Monday 28 March

·         the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) will publish new guidance. Most of the specific COVID-19 guidance for education and childcare settings will be withdrawn from GOV.​UK on Friday 1 April. The operational guidance on the testing in education settings document sharing platform will also be removed on the same day.

Link to The Wednesday Word

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The Wednesday Word can be accessed via following link: The Wednesday Word Primary School Resource | Catholic Church.  Please go through this with leaflet with your child so that they become more familiar and understand the focus of the Gospel each week.

Prayer of the Week - Advent

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Virtues Focus - Faith-filled and Hopeful

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Children at St. Joseph's are growing to be Faith-filled in their beliefs and hopeful for the future.

Pope's Francis' Monthly Intention

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For volunteer not-for-profit organisations

We pray that volunteer non-profit organisations committed to human development find people dedicated to the common good and ceaselessly seek out new paths to international cooperation.



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